Middle School Program
HOPE Co-op will not be offering middle school for the 2024-25 school year.
The Middle School Program meets at Windsong Church of Christ on
Mondays & Wednesdays from 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Designed for 7th/8th graders ready for Pre-Algebra.
This is an all-inclusive program with English, History, Science, & Pre-Algebra.
Middle School Program Cost
$1300 tuition per student per year, plus books*.
Includes copy and lab fees.
(*Book costs vary and are an additional expense either purchased individually or thru teacher)
Middle School Schedule:
8:15- Drop off
8:30-9:15 Pre-Algebra
9:15-10:00 General Science
10-10:15 -extra time for math/science lab
10:15-10:30- BREAK
10:30-11:15 - English/Grammar
11:15-12:00 History
12:00 Pick up
Meet Your Tutors
Class Descriptions
Middle School Math and Science
Teacher: Ashley Edge (mrsashleyedge@gmail.com)
Tuition: $650
Pre-Algebra Textbook: Pre-Algebra 8th edition by Elayna Martin – Gay with Mymathlab subscription for the year (purchased through teacher)
General Science Textbook: Apologia’s Exploring Creation with General Science 3rd Edition by Seligson
Pre-Algebra Course Description: This is a comprehensive pre-algebra course, which will aid students in transitioning from arithmetic to algebra. This course utilizes Pearson’s Mymathlab and Martin-Gay’s Pre-Algebra 8th edition digital textbook with the option to purchase, at an additional cost, the physical textbook. Students must have internet access at home for this course.
General Science Course Description: Through both lectures and labs, this middle school general science course will provide an understanding of the surrounding world giving students a real world relevance of scientific inquiry and the beauty of creation. This is a course with detailed introduction to the history of science, scientific inquiry, scientific method, documenting and interpreting experimental results, scientific analysis, astronomy, geology, paleontology, meteorology, oceanography, general chemistry, general physics, life science, general biology, marine science, and environmental science. This course will provide a solid foundation in the sciences, which will prepare students to be successful in high school sciences.
Middle School History & Writing
Teacher: Sandy Bell
Tuition: $650
Book Requirements: Bronze Bow, Hatchet, Amos Fortune, Hiding Place, Where the Red Fern Grows Most, if not all of these books can be borrowed from the library. A text for grammar may be announced at a later date.
English Course Description: Introduction to literature: Students will learn to identify the five elements of a story; as well as mood, theme and genre. In addition, this class will cover writing, modes of expression; mechanics and vocabulary. All writing assignments will be based on books read together.
Geography Course Description: The class will offer a broad overview of world and United States geography. No textbook needed. Handouts will be provided. We will be using the free online app, Seterra, for supplemental map practice.